Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Alden

Seven years ago today, I met a wonderful boy.  I was there when he first entered the world and knew I was lost forever when I first saw the top of his head and then looked into the bluest eyes you can imagine.  I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the first night with him and cradle him in my arms as he listened to me tell him about his family.  I promised him that night that we would be best friends forever and I told him that I would always be there for him.  He gives me plenty of hugs and kisses and never forgets to tell me that he loves me.  I thank God everyday for this precious gift.  Happy Birthday sweet Alden.  Jammi loves you forever.

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Sarah said...

What a cute little guy!

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Aiden!

Oh my gosh, what a cute grandson you have! Love those gorgeous eyes! Isn't it amazing how much we can love our Grandchildren... they just have a special place in our hearts! My first grandchild is 15 now and the first is mighty special:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Sharon said...

He is so cute. Love the mud photo.
Happy birthday to Alden.
Have a great weekend.

Ms. Bake-it said...

Happy 7th Birthday Aiden!

What a cutie! Love the phot with him painted with mud!

~ Tracy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Alden! Oh, what a handsome young man! And Anita, he does have the most gorgeous blue eyes!
He looks like such a happy little guy.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)