Big shopping day planned for tomorrow with my daughter, Tiffany. We are going alone, no children and are traveling to Nashville. Plan to hit the Pottery Barn and a stop at Opry Mills. I have a list of "homey" things I would like to find. We will see how successful I am.
Wanted to remind everyone of Free Chocolate Friday...You can check out the post here.
A couple of giveaways that I'd like to make you aware of on two great sites. Visit Kasey at Lola B's to check out her giveaway. You can find the details here. Also, Carol at Long Ramblings is having a giveaway from Leen Graphics. You can find the details here. You can link directly to the Leen Graphics site here. Be sure to visit both these ladies and sign up for their giveaways...be sure to visit for awhile as they both have some interesting stuff out there.
Hope you have a great weekend and find lots of goodies!
Hope you will enjoy the shopping.
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