What should I do??
All the best,

I sometimes find myself rushing through a busy workday and wondering what I'm going to have for dinner, or what I am going to do after work. I can't run down to the local mall or to the local movie theatre, because there is no such thing in my neck of the woods. That made me wonder what everyone else does ....do you have a pre-set schedule where you know what you are going to do every afternoon...or do you just fly by the seat of your pants?
My typical afternoon consists of enjoying my middle GB, Lexi for about an hour before her Mom picks her up.....fixing dinner.....checking Facebook, my blog and reading through those I follow....then, sometimes, I'll watch something on TV, or pop in a movie, or putter with something I'm working on, ie. a craft project, organizing a closet etc. ...or sometimes, I'll just take a nap. What do you do with your afternoons?
All the best,
I volunteer with a lot of senior citizens that need errands run or help with some housework. Then when I get home in the afternoon, it seems like there's blogging, cleaning, cooking and then a little TV watching and then to bed. Maybe that sounds dull, but it seems like I'm busy. Hope your enjoy yours. Hugs, Marty
Depends on what day it is, I guess. On Mondays, I am volunteering with the quints until 3 or 4...then home to fix some dinner. The rest of the week, I'm doing stuff around the house, fixing dinner, waiting for hubby, maybe kids, depending on their schedules. In the evening after dinner, we may watch tv and I am on my laptop checking blogs, Facebook some of the time.
I often fly by the seat of my pants for dinner; not always a great planner!
thanks for asking!
Hi Anita! I guess I'm not too organized with my time! The older I get, the more I want to do what I 'want' to do, not what I 'need' to do! :)
I do fix dinner every night and we're lazy and sit in our chairs in front of the TV, watch the news.
Thanks for popping in and I've entered your name in my giveaway!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I am a stay at home mom so I am home with my 2 year old son in the afternoons. We play and I try to do a little cleaning and laundry here and there. He takes a late nap and that is when I cook supper. We get out some days and go see my parents or run errands, but for the most part we are here.
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